And that's a wrap...
Beechworth Festival of Change 1-4 April 2019
Video compiled by Natasha Akib from footage taken on smartphones by Festival storytellers
Thanks to everyone who contributed their energy, enthusiasm and goodwill to the Beechworth Festival of Change 1-4 April 2019.
A special thanks to all presenters, most of whom gave their time, expertise and experience for free, we appreciate your generous and valuable contributions.
Thank you to everyone who came along and participated in how-shops and extended workshops, big ideas talks and special events. 265 people enrolled in how-shops and public talks - 1274 event bookings in total, and over 300 people attended Light My Way, the community projection event.
The Festival was a community-driven, volunteer-run, not-for-profit initiative. Costs to all attendees were heavily subsided by funding provided the Resilience Planning Community of Practice, Into Our Hands Foundation, FRRR, Regional Arts Victoria, June Canavan Foundation and Johnstone Gumption Fund, a sub-fund of Australian Communities Foundation. Thank you to these organisations for their support, which enabled us to create an event that will have a generative and lasting legacy.
Humble and heartfelt thanks to Beechworth Honey, Quercus Beechworth, Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project and Social Marketing at Griffith for their ongoing and unfailing support of the Festival concept, vision and ethos.
Thank you to all those people and organisations who said ‘Yes!’ without condition or caveat and happily volunteered to lend equipment, facilitate sessions, provide venues, wash dishes, play a role in putting Business-As-Usual on trial, and just generally add to the collective and collaborate spirit of generosity and shared purpose during the week. This can-do attitude is what makes positive change happen.
Thank you Natasha and Dani from Digital Storytellers , Lee and Ivan from Little Projector Company , Michelle from Curious Minds Co. and Adrian from SPLAToons. These wonderful artistic generous souls all made such a vital contribution to the week.
Thank you to Sarah for her hard work in bringing together the philanthropy program, Mike for the wisdom of his experience, Denis for logistical support and Jack for cheerfully organising the volunteers. A deep bow to our merry band of volunteers - how wonderful you all are - thank you Karen, Joan, Birgit, Ant, Hannah, Bev, Bob, Jamie, John, John, Shae, Trish and Jude.
Thank you Kerrie for providing the central Hub in town, what a difference your generosity made to our overall logistics.
Trudi & Paul Ryan
Festival Convenors